Shellovo stališče o prihodnosti zmanjševanja emisij ogljika v cestnem tovornem prometu
jan. 21, 2021
Družbi Shell in Deloitte sta objavili publikacijo Decarbonising Road Freight (Poročilo o razogljičenju cestnega tovornega prometa): VIŠJA PRESTAVA, poročilo ki obsega pogled na ekonomske, regulatorne in organizacijske dejavnike, ki vplivajo na izvajanje razogljičenja v panogi cestnega tovornega prometa.
Cestni tovorni promet je najbolj izpostavljen in prilagodljiv del globalne dobavne verige. Vozni parki tovornih vozil premikajo tako rekoč vse, kar sodobna družba vsakodnevno potrebuje. Med krizo COVID-19 smo spoznali, kako pomemben je cestni tovorni promet za dostavo potrebnih dobrin tja, kjer jih najbolj potrebujejo. Vendar pa cestni tovorni promet, s skoraj 3 milijoni podjetij in 217 milijoni tovornih vozil, prispeva približno 9 % vseh emisij - delež, ki zahteva takojšnje ukrepanje.
Družbi Shell in Deloitte sta objavili publikacijo Decarbonising Road Freight (Poročilo o razogljičenju cestnega tovornega prometa): VIŠJA PRESTAVA, poročilo ki obsega pogled na ekonomske, regulatorne in organizacijske dejavnike, ki vplivajo na izvajanje razogljičenja v panogi cestnega tovornega prometa. Na podlagi razgovorov z več kot 150 vodilnimi predstavniki cestnega tovornega prometa s celega sveta, poročilo predstavlja glas panoge. Vključuje opis posameznih motivatorjev in izzivov različnih skupin uporabnikov in geografskih območij, nabor rešitev s področja razogljičenja in časovnico izvedbe, ki lahko že danes vzpodbudi ukrepanje v panogi.
Ključni poudarki poročila vključujejo:
- 80 % vodilnih predstavnikov cestnega tovornega prometa verjame, da so nezadostne regulatorne vzpodbude in pomanjkanje infrastrukture najpomembnejše ovire za razogljičenje panoge, kar pa ne velja več za tehnologijo.
- Čez 70 % vprašanih je razogljičenje uvrstilo med 3 najpomembnejše prednostne naloge njihove organizacije, mnogi pa verjamejo, da bi ustrezen regulatorni okvir pripomogel k hitrejšemu razogljičenju panoge.
- V razogljičenju panoge bodo pomembno vlogo odigrala tako tovorna vozila z baterijami kot tista z gorivnimi celicami, vsaka s svojimi prednostmi glede velikosti vozila, načina uporabe in vrste poti.
- Večina pričakuje začetek množične uporabe električnih vozil in vozil na vodikove celice na sredini in proti koncu dvajsetih let, kritična dejavnika za uveljavitev pa bosta možnost polnjenja in infrastruktura za polnjenje vodika.
- Panoga je identificirala 22 rešitev, ki se jih lahko uveljavi v naslednjih 10 letih za zmanjšanje emisij in pospešitev prehoda na vozila z ničelnimi oziroma nizkimi izpusti proti koncu tega desetletja.
- Sodelovanje v panogi je ključnega pomena, hitrost zmanjševanja emisij pa bo odvisna od globalnega pristopa, prenosa znanja in političnih okoliščin.
Ob tem je družba Shell objavila ločeno poročilo, ki opredeljuje pogled na izvajanje razogljičenja cestnega prevoza tovora v prihodnosti in vlogo družbe Shell pri razogljičenju panoge. Upamo, da bo prebiranje publikacije zanimivo. O tematiki preberite več na naši spletni strani.
Prosimo upoštevajte, da je poročilo v angleškem jeziku.
Road Freight Decarbonisation
Title: Road Freight Decarbonisation
Duration: 1:43 minutes
A short video showcases how Shell and Deloitte research with senior industry leaders from the global road freight sector has identified a roadmap for the sector’s decarbonisation pathway.
[Upbeat background music plays]
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Road freight is responsible for around 9% of global CO2 emissions
Aerial view of trucks with containers lining up in lanes at a port.
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But it's no longer considered 'hard to abate'.
Multiple white freight trucks are travelling in a convoy across the open road
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So what's stopping this sector from decarbonising faster?
A male truck driver drives along a road viewed from the inside of his cab
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Shell and Deloitte spoke with 158 road freight leaders
A business woman looks at a video call with several participants on her laptop
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We believe the sector
Trucks driving along a motorway in China with Chinese road signs
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is nearing a tipping point
A bird’s eye view of a truck parking area with a heavy duty truck parking alongside other heavy duty trucks
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It will decarbonise faster than many expect.
A red North American style heavy duty truck drives past on a road. Camera scene changes to a delivery driver lifting boxes into a delivery van.
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We have already identified the enabling technologies.
An animation of concept hydrogen truck being filled with hydrogen as a fuel from a fuel pump with wind turbines in the background.
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But must overcome three main barriers
White text on yellow background reads (with text from above)
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1. Inadequate charging and fuelling infrastructure
An electric fuel pump charging icon turns red
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2. Insufficient regulatory incentives
Close to 100 flags from around the world fluttering on flag posts.
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3. Lack of demand from customers shipping goods
A scene shows a warehouse with many long shelfs full of boxes, and there are a few staff driving forklifts to put the boxes in the right places.
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A clear decarbonisation pathway has emerged
A Mercedes hydrogen powered truck carrying a tank displaying H2 and driving on a road surrounded by green trees.
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It includes hydrogen
The front part of a new Hyundai hydrogen truck, with “Xcient Fuel Cell” branding right above the Hyundai logo.
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and battery electric trucks
Someone is plugging the electric charging cable into an electric truck
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and a roadmap of 22 solutions for the decade ahead.
Split screen, where the top part shows a group of people having a meeting, and the bottom part shows a white electric medium duty truck in a city road setting. Camera scene changes to four Hyundai hydrogen truck tractor units on a test circuit track
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We must increase adoption of these new technologies
Hyundai hydrogen truck tractor units shown in two further different views, the first on a test circuit track and the second on open road.
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deploy more low carbon fuels products from waste
A small bulldozer lifting parcels of compressed waste in a processing plant
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and make existing vehicles as efficient as possible.
A modern protype truck called Starship developed by Shell driving on a U.S. highway with aerodynamic tractor unit, solar panels on the top of the trailer and other energy-saving design features . Written on the trailer is: “Driving Innovation” and the Shell logo.
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A concerted global effort
Colourful and decorated South Asian truck drives along road bordered with trees
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advancing policy, knowledge sharing
Man speaking into microphone at international conference with other participants in large round table setting with flags in the backgrpund.
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and collaboration with other sectors
a cargo ship being unloaded and containers being put on the dock
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are key for road freight
A Toyota and Kenworth zero emissions hydrogen truck transporter carrying many cars on its trailer enters the port of Los Angeles followed by a second hydrogen truck with trailer.
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to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
A medium duty white Hyundai low emission truck driving on a road surrounded by green grass and some trees. Camera changes to close up of the same truck driving along the road
Shell logo with hashtag “#MakeTheFuture” and “© SHELL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 2021”